Counselling & Coaching | Montreal

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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy related to Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching, which endeavours to maintain the privacy of visitors to the site. If, after reading it, you have any questions or concerns, the reader should contact Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching at .

Information Collection

Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching does not provide information collected to any other parties and is the sole owner of the information that visitors provide.

Information would only be provided to third parties in the event that visitors provide consent to do so. Visitors are invited to carefully read the policies of all third party websites that they access via Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching as they may have privacy policies that differ from Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching.

Use of Information

Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching does not provide third party resources with information (exception – see Third Party Intermediaries section).

Data Collection

Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching may store information collected through cookies and log files. A profile is general information that we keep on users that describes viewing preferences, and allows us to improve our site. Again, we do not share your profile with third parties.


A cookie is information that is stored on users’ computers which has information that is used to potentially prepare and customize web pages for them. Paul Jozsef Counselling & Coaching may use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. (A session cookie remains on an individual’s computer for only one session. A persistent cookie remains on unless removed by the user. Cookies may be readily removed via the options area of a browser.) Neither will be used to store identifiable information unless the user has expressly consented to do so. Instead information from cookies may be used to examine trends and provide the user with a more personalized experience.

Log Files

Like most web servers on the internet, our servers collect and store all of the information that your web browser sends when it requests a web page, including:

  • the name, domain, and numerical internet address of the “host” computer (typically a computer belonging to your internet service provider and not your personal computer) from which you access the internet;
  • the date and time you accessed our site;
  • the internet address of the web page that you came from;
  • the page you requested from our site and the number of characters sent to your computer; and
  • the information your web browser software sends as its so-called “User Agent,” which typically identifies the browser software and may also indicate the operating system and type of CPU used in your personal computer.

It is impossible to determine the actual identity of an individual user from this information.

The logs are periodically summarized and analyzed in order to study site usage over time and to perform other studies to help us improve the site’s organization, performance, and usefulness.

Third Party Intermediaries

We use an outside credit card processing company for payment processing. These companies are required to store transaction information, which includes personally identifiable information for a period of 6 months. The procedure is a legal requirement to uncover potential fraudulent transactions.


This web site takes every precaution to protect our users’ information.

Any information that is kept off line is held in held on password protected computers and/or servers.

Notification of Changes

Any changes in our privacy policy will be posted to the web site in the location where all previous versions were located. Information will not be used in a manner that differs from the stated policy unless express consent is provided by the user.

Contact Information

Any further information may be requested from .

Areas of Specialty